omg, we are on the internet.


we did it, we are live!!!

Wow, y’all, it happened.

It may have taken a pandemic to force us to get creative and move online, but here we are.

This week alone a lot of obstacles stood in the way of us getting online, but I kept hearing this phrase that we said a lot while I was living in Spain.

“if you can be stopped,

you will be stopped”

And well, let’s just say this included: a cancelled photoshoot, a broken camera, an email literally crashing, an absurd amount of phone calls, an extra quarantine on top of an already crazy pandemic… I mean the list goes on.

but here we are, ONLINE!


I’m excited, a little nervous, kind of scared. I mean the list of feelings goes on.

But, you know, I truly believe that is what it’s like to dare greatly… to be both excited and scared at the same time, but doing it anyway.

(insert deep breath here)

So here’s to doing it anyway, in the midst of fear, excitement, and A LOT of unknowns.

And here’s to you, daring greatly with me, and ending modern-day slavery one socially conscious fashion decision at a time.


*** picture credit goes to the one and only Christina Kehres, let’s be honest she took most of the photos on here ***

Katie Stuart